Hey IOIKT Friends,
We had such a great time discussing the topic of Knowing Yourself and highlighting some key tools and resources that we found helpful during this process. To summarize, we discussed the following topics and their respective resources. Take a read and send us a message on the website, IG, or LinkedIn if you have any more questions or want to chat about your results. We are here for you! Enjoy!
-Ajna and Shawna
Me, Myself and I
In order to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, one important step is identifying your core values. Core values drive us everyday - our decisions, interactions, and reactions can often be traced back to the ideals that we deeply believe in. An incredible amount of self-awareness can be derived from knowing our core values as well.
In the ‘Resource’ page, you can download the Core Values Assessment and follow the directions in the assessment to determine your top 5 core values. The exercise can be done on your own or in a group. It’s a great team builder or getting to know you better exercise as well.
Me in Relation to Others - Personal
When we think about how we relate to others on a personal level, we draw from life experiences and early childhood development. During the IG live session, we highlighted the attachment theory by Stan Tatkin.
Stan Tatkin is the founder of the PACT Training Institute and the developer of PACT—A Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy. PACT is an integration of neuroscience, arousal regulation, and attachment theory.This therapy centers on early attachment and its effect on the development of the brain and the nervous system. To delve deeper into the attachment theory or any of Stan Tatkin’s work, check out his website, this article, and this article.
Tatkin is also the author of Wired for Dating: How Understanding Neurobiology and Attachment Style Can Help You Find Your Ideal Mate, Wired for Love: How Understanding Your Partner’s Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a Secure Relationship and Your Brain on Love: The Neurobiology of Healthy Relationships. All of his books are incredibly fascinating and give a research based approach to relationships.
Me in Relation to Others - Professional
One of the leading professional assessments is the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. Completing this one hour assessment will give you a personalized report on what you naturally do best and how to develop your innate talents into strengths. Understanding this information helps us know why we like certain work, dislike others, and how we can form stronger relationships with coworkers. We can learn to leverage the different strengths of others around us to be more successful individually and as a team. In addition, StrengthsFinder teaches us about potential blindspots that occur when we overuse our strengths and how understanding this information can lead to better relationships.
As we mentioned in the session, the assessment costs between $12 and $20, but we recommend asking your boss if it’s a reimbursable expense.
If purchasing the assessment with the book on Amazon, be sure to purchase a new book to receive the online assessment access code. You can also purchase the assessment online without the book directly through Gallup’s website. Each of these options provides a report with your top 5 strengths. If you’d like a full report of the 34 strengths for $49.99, head here.
